How to update a Remote Database to sync after the master Act! database is updated.

If your hosted ACT! Master/Published Database has been upgraded from the previous version and you need to update the remote database so you can continue to sync. In order to follow this KB you will need to know what the new Master Database Server and the New Sync URL

You will need to make two changes in order to sync with the new ACT! servers. Please complete the following two tasks and you will be able to sync once again.


Task 1 : Updating Master Server Location

Detailed Instructions

Go to the Tools Menu, then Synchronization Panel. 
Once the Synchronization Panel is open click "Manage Main Database" Location and change it to

[[ use the values for Master Database server provided to you ]]

click Finish then, Yes.

Task 2  : Updating Sync server


Detailed Instructions 
While still in the Synchronization Panel

Locate and click "Manage Connection Information"
Change Connection Type to : Internet (outside a firewall)
Change Sync URL to :
[[ use the values for New Sync URL provided to you ]]

Then Close and attempt to sync.
If you are still unable to sync please contact support.